Chelmsford Council Local Plan

As you may have read in the local news, Chelmsford Council has produced a document for the next phase of housing development, from 2021 to 2036.

This document was approved by their development committee last night (5th November) and so now will go out for consultation. The consultation period runs from 19 November 2015 to 21 January 2016.

You can read more about it here :

There will be a dedicated page on the Parish Council website in due course where you will be able to get updates.

The Options in Brief

There are 3 options, and all call for large scale housing in Broomfield. This is on top of the 700 houses that are yet to be built under the current development phase.

Option 1 – 1500 houses

Option 2 – 1250 houses

Option 3 – 750 houses

The Parish Council believes that all three options will be bad for Broomfield, and urges all residents to take part in the consultation process to mitigate the amount of development to as low as possible.

We will shortly begin a campaign of awareness to get as many people to write to the council as possible. At some point (probably very early in the new year) we will hold an open day.

Watch this space for more news on this subject soon. Meanwhile, if you have any questions we have created a dedicated email address for this :[email protected]

Local government for the Parish of Broomfield